people become participants...

Welcome to The Chapel's Contact Team blog! This is the place to find frequent updates about what is happening on the team that has the most fun at The Chapel. Subscribe to get it right in your email inbox and always be up to date! Keep the conversation going...comment away!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Just wanted to let you all know that I hope you had a great Easter! I hope it was colorful and fun and filled with family and friends and the joy of the Celebration of an empty tomb...Hope to see you all soon...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rise Up Shirt

Ok, slight change of plans...I spent the day on the computer yesterday with the wonderful people at Flexer designing the new t-shirt. The blue we originally discussed was just too light to have any writing and design show boldly. His suggestion was this rusty/cedar color with tan details.
I think its great!

My plan is to place my order with Flexer by tomorrow morning (Wednesday) so that we can have them by the 1st Sunday in March. If you will lose sleep over the color of these shirts please email me your opinions---otherwise I appreciate your understanding of bowing to an experienced t-shirt maker's knowledge...Flexer's...not mine.
In other news...Jamie is hard at work on the Recycling tubs! What a fabulous team you all are...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb. Meeting

Thank you to everyone who came out of the beautiful weather to attend our Contact Meeting! Your opinions and ideas and time are very much appreciated. For those of you who couldn't join us...we missed you! Here is a re-cap of what was talked about---
please feel free to add your comments or questions!

We had a great response to our on-going "small groups" known as
The Chapel Store and Coffee Shop...lots of new faces to welcome!
Starting Sunday March 7th we'll be offering a few new
Special Order Items in the store.
Men's Fishing Shirt (embroidered) $49 XXL and bigger + $2
Women's and Men's Polo Shirt (embroidered) $25 XXL and bigger + $2
There will be a "Special Order" Notebook in the store to take orders for the shirts and they will be ordered once a month or every other week depending on the popularity. People will pre-pay for the items and that way our $ isn't tied up in inventory and new items can still be offered.
Speaking of new items, this will be the main design for our new Spring T-Shirt. This will be on the back with the front saying "this is the day". "The Chapel" will also be on the shirt.
The color will be a springy-light blue for both the men and women.
My goal is to have these shirts in the store by the 2nd week in March in both men's and women's styles and a variety of sizes. This is our big new addition in inventory. All of you will be offered the chance to buy the shirts first so you can wear them and advertise!
"TC" stickers will be re-ordered to be given away to the new members and sold.
Amanda is checking on prices to replenish our stock of "give away" mugs for 1st time visitors and those will be re-ordered shortly. Speaking of try to be more "green", we'll have small reminders to the congregation to bring their Chapel mugs on Sunday mornings (or buy one). Mugs will be sold at the coffee shop and the "give away" mugs will also be available so that people can be asked if they are 1st time visitor and given a mug there. Signage will be made so that everyone knows the coffee is free. Jamie is checking on Recycle boxes to be placed in the sanctuary for bulletins and cups.
Ideas were thrown out for a camaflouge shirt to be released around Father's Day with the Relevant design and a long-sleeved shirt or hoodie in the fall.
Hope For The Homeless will be happening again this year in October.
OK, I think that covers it...let me know if there are any questions or comments.
Hope to see you all soon! Thanks again for all you do...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Contact Meeting...Spring Planning

Man! It was cold but sunny and I hope you had fun...I think the event was a BIG success! And your contributions were fantastic and appreciated to make everything happen.

You give Beth a job... :) Thanks for being who you are and sharing your talents with us!

Hope you are planning on coming to our meeting
THIS SUNDAY FEB. 20th at 4:00
in the Sprouts Room. I've got new store merchandise to show you--decisions for you to make and things to plan for the spring. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Have a great week!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You are THE BEST!

Words cannot express how thankful I am for each of you! I'm so excited for Sunday--its gonna be great and its all because of people like you. We've got lots of red jerseys in The Chapel Store for us all to wear and show our team spirit...because we are the best team! :)
These are some plaques I made to sell at our Sidewalk Sale...
I have planned a Contact Team meeting for Sunday Feb. 21st at 4:00 in The Sprout's Room. We'll discuss new merchandise for the store and lots of other fun things for the Spring. Hope you can be there! See you Sunday.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

I hope you read that title in one of those cool announcer voices... :)

Yes, this Sunday is the big Small Group Kick-off! Below is a list of what everyone has offered to you---y'all are the best, by the way---if you don't see your name or you want to do something, just let me know. There is always room for more!

SET UP at 7:30
1. Meghan Davis
2. Heather Root
3. Beth Lane
4. Counrtney Bridges
5. John Kopotic
6. Rich Goff

1. Rich Goff
2. Janet Goff

1. Courtney Bridges
2. Heather Root
3. Beth Lane
4. Meghan Davis
5. Drew and Mandy Thompson
6. Brooks and Shelly Good
7. David Stilli

1. Courtney Bridges
2. Beth Lane

1. Emmitt Nolan (spouty coolers)
2. Jamie and Adam Sanders (lemonade)
3. John Kopotic (ice)

1. Kendra

1. Meghan Davis

*if everyone could get there by 9:30 so that you can get your jersey to wear (they'll be in the store)---or you can just wear red. That is our color for the day. Come early if you want to get your face painted to show Team/Chapel spirit.
*If you are bringing snacks you can drop them off in the OLD 2nd CUP CAFE. the food is for after the 10:30 service. gotta leave that service early to get the food set up.
*We'd love it if you could be at both services!
*We've got to party it up and show off the best team! Even if you don't a "job" that day please come and hang out and get people to sign up...we would LOVE to have you. Bring your chairs...or buy one from the Chapel Store. :)

OK, I know this is long...sorry. I've got a Coaches Meeting tonight so you may be hearing from me later in the week, too. Have a great me with any questions or anything at all! Can't wait to see everyone on Sunday. Y'all are the best! Thanks for making this happen...

Monday, February 1, 2010

tailgate time!

OK...I've got my list from Drew for what our team needs to contribute to the Small Group Kick-Off on Sunday Feb. 14th. We are the "PARTY" team so I think we need to show everyone how it is done! :)

#1. We need a pick up truck! What is a tailgate party without a tailgate?

#2. I need ONE volunteer to help set up with me at 7:45 that morning.

#3. We need a few simple tailgating foods to go along with the hotdogs---chips, cookies, etc.

#4. We need decorations for our station to go along with our color theme...Drew is getting back with us on that one...we'll have jerseys to wear too.

#5. I need TWO volunteers to help stay after and break down everything starting at 12:00.

#6. I need TWO or THREE people to take on collaberating the drinks for the event. We need lemonade and water in spouty coolers and ice. The church will provide the cups and I've got leads on coolers and ice---just need people to say they'll oversee and collect.

We'll have sign-ups between the services and after 10:30 (food is only after the 2nd.)

We'll have the store open, of course, and we'll set-up the camping chairs and a table outside with t-shirts and all...Rich and Janet, I believe it is your Sunday. Up for selling? :)

OK...whew...our plate is a little full but I know we can do it TOGETHER! Please comment here or email me with what you would like to do...You have no idea how much I appreciate your time and efforts...let me know if there are questions, too! Have I said thank you???